
Perfectly Clear for Business – Latest SDK Innovation & Improvements

We’re continuously working on perfecting our technology and products. As always, if you have an idea for improving our imaging solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Our current SDK update came from client recommendations. Here’s what’s new: 

New Ways to Get Image Data Into and out of the SDK

We added some new ways to get image data into and out of the SDK. These are all aimed at simplifying the process to deploy our SDK by making it easier to integrate into different technology platforms and workflows. 

What specifically does this include? Most of the new functions and features allow opening and writing to images without that data needing to be written to an actual JPEG image and saved to disk. On Linux and OSX, this means supporting pipes and image content in buffers.  On Windows in .NET and .NET Core, this means supporting image content in MemoryStreams. 

While we’ve always supported processing image data via in-memory buffers, these new features extend the “image FILE” support via buffers. That means you can use our color management, JPEG and PNG compression, and metadata management without needing any JPEG or PNG files written to disk.

Small Image Artifact Correction

We’ve also corrected a small image artifact that could occur when enabling Noise Removal on images that included an alpha (transparency) channel. The artifact was visible only in low detail areas.

We Love Hearing From You!

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or requests. To update to the latest version of our SDK, please please contact your sales rep personally or email us at at any time. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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