Version History

Version Date Updates
10.6.3 Jul 23, 2024 • Many bug fixes and improvements for pfcaiserver
• Increased max image size to 500MP
• Mobile SDK's improvements: stability and the addition of AI Skin Tone Accuracy and Selective Color
• Desktop Java SDK's improvements: stability and features
• Fixed color management issue with linear sRGB images
10.6.2 Apr 20, 2024 • Adding 'Selective Color' corrections to all SDK's.
• Adding AI White Balance and Skin Tone to the iOS and Android SDK's
• Several improvements in the C and C# sample projects
• Speed improvements when using the aiserver with the CLI
• Improvement in the WebAssembly SDK for quicker prototype development
• Improved image quality when processing 16-bit images
• Improvement to CLI to allow dynamic linking to PDF libraries
• Improvemnt to DPI metadata when conflicting values are present in the image
10.5.1 Oct 16, 2023 • Auto crop support added to Command Line and Docker solutions. Create crop presets in Workbech, and copy/paste those parameters when calling the CLI or Docker corrections.
10.5.0 Aug 23, 2023 • New AI White Balance capability
• New School and Sports AI Preset group
• New 10-level Skin Tone detection and correction
• Simplified loading AI Presets and models with PFC_LoadScenePresets()
• Container solution: added ability to convert to arbitrary output color profile
• Container solution: added ability to maintain the input filename
• Container solution: added ability to control image skipping process
10.4.0 May 18, 2023 • New function SetOutputIccProfile added to allow convering images to any ICC profile
• Improved quality of AI Corrections and removed rare correction artifacts
• Improve consistency between Workbench and the SDK, CLI, and Docker image corrections
• Fix artifact when using Light Diffusion at low strength levels
• Removing Red Eye correction from all AI Presets to match Workbench
• Changed 'auto' behavior in CLI - auto will apply Universal AI Preset Selection
• Fixed crash and processing error with un-flattened PDF files
• Improved consistency between SDK and Workbench when Retouching tools are disabled
10.3.0 Feb 16, 2023 • Added support for Apple Arm (M1, M2) platforms.
• Changed the default preset when not using AI Preset Selection to use iAuto People.
• Added new functions to expose additional EXIF tag values for images read with PFCImageFile.
• Fix for Android SDK.
• Improved support for UTF-8 characters in file paths on Windows
• Updated .NET code samples for .NET 6 and corrected build issues
• Fixed packaging issue for the AI Preset Selection model on Windows
10.2.3 Oct 25, 2022 • Improved Noise Reduction detection in a small number of images
10.2.2 Oct 11, 2022 • Fix an image artifact issue with RGBA images
• Fix to re-enable CLI skip mode "none"
10.2.1 Sep 9, 2022 • Upgraded AI Preset Selection to version 3.7 to match Workbench 4.2.0
10.2.0 Aug 17, 2022 • Added support to skip processing of images edited in Photoshop or other applications in the command line application and Docker solution.
• Broader support for PNG files - specifically, this version includes support for PNG files with invalid ADLER32 checksums
• Upgraded Android and iOS Scene Detection model
• Improve multi-threaded processing of a single image with differing parameters
• Fix for crash in SDK when attempt to load PFCAIEngine fails
• Fix an issue in Android SDK using AI Photo Correction parameters
10.0.3 Mar 22, 2022 • Fix issue in Docker solution that was introduced in 10.0.2
10.0.2 Feb 15, 2022 • Implementing smaller, faster, and more accurate AI Preset Selection model
• Fix issue that caused Workbench and the SDK to create different output images when using Face Aware Exposure and AI Scene Detection
• Support for IPTC metadata in addition to EXIF when using PfCImageFile
• Fix issue in that caused Noise Removal to be applied more often in the SDK than in Workbench
• CLI: adding new 'token' method for authorization
10.0.1 Jan 18, 2021 • CLI & Docker: added support to convert all images to sRGB
• CLI: performance improvement running AI Preset Selection with external PFC AI Server
• CLI: fix issue reading and writing images with standard I/O
• Performance improvement applying PfC AI Corrections
• Docker: add support to set the cache time for original and corrected images
• Improve handling of images skipped due to clipart detection
• CLI: improve noise detection
9.5.2 Jul 29, 2021 • Improve Red Eye correction accuracy
• Fixed issue reporting failures loading LOOKs
9.5.1 Jun 30, 2021 • Fixed issue with DPI in output files with only JFIF headers were present in the original
• Fixed Windows .NET SDK handling of some LOOKs
• Fixed Windows Sample code for Resizing
• Fixed Windows Protected SDK packaging
• Updated Scene Detection model
9.5.0 Jun 22, 2021 • Introducing Scene Detection
9.2.0 Jun 9, 2021 • Updated Beautify libraries on all platforms
• Fixed issue where errors in Beautify preCalc could prevent some Core corrections from applying
• Introduce 'Flash Status' (PFC_FLASH_STATUS) in PFCImageFile- useful to disable red-eye correction if no flash was used. Updated the PFC CLI to automatically disable red-eye correction if the flash was known not to have fired.
• Added additional error message for missing LOOKs (APPLY_LOOKS_MISSING)
• .NET Adapter: expose face structures with more information.
9.1.2Apr 15, 2021 • Command Line Application updated to create un-corrected output file for images skipped due to Clipart detection
9.1.1Feb 1, 2021 • Updated iOS SDK sample code and documentation
9.1.0 Jan 15, 2021 • Adding PDF file processing support
• Additional Android SDK improvements.
• Added a Status Code Explainer for easier understanding of PFC_AutoCorrect or PFC_Apply return codes.
9.0.1 Nov 13,2020• Adding 'file list processing' to the command line application included with the SDK
• Minor improvement to Noise Removal
• Updated Android SDK support
• Correcting the max 'Strength' value on some params when using PFC_ApplyStrengthToParam()
9.0.0 Oct 28, 2020 iAuto 2021 We've introduced a new preset that brings together the best our of image correction technology!
Image Quality Improvements We've spent most of 2020 focusing on advancing our image correction quality, and have made a number of specific improvements:
  1. Better Sharpening, especially on print. We built a new sharpening system and carefully tuned it with our printing partners to ensure that photos of all sizes and contents are crisp and sharp.
  2. Skin Tone Preservation. New Skin & Depth Bias AUTO mode set with BIASMODE BIAS_AUTO.
  3. Better Highlights - better detail preservation when using Skin & Depth Bias at high strengths and new Highlights parameter to control Highlight preservation - most noticeable when using Exposure at high strengths. Set with PFCCOREPARAM.iHighlightPreservation
  4. Better overall tone and contrast due to an improvement in our Depth processing and algorithm
  5. New Super Contrast algorithm controlled via the PFCCOREPARAM.iLocalContrast parameter. This is designed to add depth and emphasize contours for amazing images.

Pre-built Command Line Utility We've taken our SDK, Sample code, and years of implementation feedback from dozens of customers and put this all together in a command line application that's included with each SDK license. This tool offers a simple, reliable and fast way to integrate Perfectly Clear into many existing photo workflows. The application supports a wide range of use-cases and is ready for immediate use in the most demanding production environments. • Other Major Improvements
  1. New support for Clipart detection using our AI-based image content detection using PFCREJECTOPTION
  2. New PFC_ApplyStrengthToParam() function to simplify a single 'Strength' slider like used in EyeQ desktop applications
  3. New PFC_GetRecommendedParam() function to quickly determine recommended exposure, and other “auto” parameters
  4. New support for WebP images

Continuing to evolve and improve
  1. WASM licensing and correction counting support
  2. Fixed memory leak when reading JPEG image files with the PFCImageFile library
8.4.5 May 15, 2020 • New ability in the .NET Adapter to support highly concurrent use of Perfectly Clear
8.4.4 May 5, 2020 • New I/O methods to read and write image data from existing in-memory streams or pipe to/from standard in/out
• Load and Save PFCImageFiles and set file type seprate from the filename extension
• Fixed image artifact in noise correction on images with Alpha channels
8.4.3 Mar 20, 2020 • Support for Chinese and other UTF8 characters in file & preset names
• Added PFCImageFile support in our PerfectlyClearAdapter
• Change default preset to new iAuto without Red Eye
• Improved image quality and reduced banding in low-detail and smooth gradient areas in photos
• Fixed an issue preventing LOOKs from being applied in the Container solution
8.4.2 Jan 29, 2020 • Simplified loading v3.looks files with PFC_SetAddonPath
8.4.1 Dec 17, 2019 • Fixes for SDK use of presets with certain LOOKs
8.4.0 Dec 5, 2019 • Added PNG support to SDK (PFCImageFile) and Container
• Added Resizing support to Container
• Fixed issue with rare color management settings in PFCImageFile
• Added EXIF rotation support in WebAssembly Sample2
• Added PFCV3PARAM.iFinishPositiveContrast to SDK to match the new Contrast adjustment in EyeQ desktop products
• Container improvements: better docs, better logging, performance improvement, smaller container size
8.3.5 Oct 11, 2019 • Improved handling of Color Management transformations when input image has corrupt or missing embedded profile
• Fixed an inconsistency about when Dynamic Range correction was applied (to better match our Desktop products)
• Improved Container scripts and deployment
• Added sample application for .NET Core
8.3.4 Jul 12, 2019 • Adding Red Eye correction to WASM
• Fix for C# SDK handling of clipart
• Fix packaging for Windows and “v3.looks”
• Fixed a processing difference in ‘Finishing Tools’ between the SDK and our desktop software
8.3.3 Jun 19, 2019 • Improved Linux build / deployment process
• Fix for parsing settings in .preset files in ReadPreset() function
8.3.2 May 29, 2019 • Added support for SDK usage metering
• Fix for parsing settings in .preset files in ReadPreset() function
8.3.1 Apr 26, 2019 • Fix for rare image artifact when using resizing
• Fix for parsing settings in .preset files in ReadPreset() function
8.3.0 Feb 22, 2019 • Added PFCImageFile for EXIF and Color Management
• Added image resizing capabilities
• Improved Sample Code, including for Web WebAssembly
• Image correction validation – the SDK output is validated across each platform
8.2.0 Oct 4, 2018 • Added preset file parsing for the .NET adapter, Android and iOS platforms
• Header file change to add function to read presets from file stream
8.1.1 Sep 26, 2018 • Provide both AVX accelerated and non-AVX libraries by default in all SDK deliveries
8.1.0 Sep 19, 2018 • Added preset file parsing support (changes header file)
• Fixed issue with very low Dynamic Range issues that could cause black pixels in the output image
• Android: Sample app: fix to save corrected image
• Android: proper auto-strength implementation
• Fixing issue with very bright images that would result in low contrast output
8.0.3 Sep 6, 2018 • Fixed issue when iVibrancy = 0 on high-key images or photos with while borders
• Win: removed dependencies on Visual Studio redistributables
• Fixed incorrect version numbers on .NET Adapter .DLL file
8.0.2 Aug 16, 2018 • Better contrast correction on very small images
• change iOutputVibrancy to iColorVibrancy to match the Workbench User Interface
• Fixed Android sample application crash
• Fixed Win Sample 2 crash on Save
• Fixed issue that could cause a 1 pixel of bad data at bottom of corrected images