Perfectly Clear users, We recognize that with the constantly changing situation around the world, this is a difficult time not only for our...
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Perfectly Clear for Business – Latest Innovation & Improvements
Innovation is one of our core values at EyeQ. We are constantly updating and improving our products, and many of the improvements are thanks to you! We love hearing from our customers, and if there is anything we can do to improve our product, please let us know.
Here is the latest Perfectly Clear update from EyeQ:
More Language Options
QuickDesk and QuickServer are now localized in French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian.
Fixed a Banding Issue
We fixed an issue in our SDK and WebAPI that caused some images to have a banding issue. If you take a look at the slider below, particularly in the sky and top right, you can see the before and after of this improvement.

JPEG Improvements
We implemented improvements to our .NET library in our SDK to make it easier and faster for you to open and write JPEG images.
Red Eye Correction
We now offer our new iAuto without red eye correction in our SDK and WebAPI. If you’d like to run Perfectly Clear without our automatic red eye removal, we added a preset for you to use. This is the new default in our SDK.
Other Improvements
Plus, we have added other improvements to make your life easier!
We Love Hearing From You!
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or requests. If you haven’t updated to the latest version (WebAPI will update automatically, SDK users will need to contact us for an update, and Perfectly Clear QuickDesk and QuickServer will automatically notify you to update), please contact your sales rep personally or email us at at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!